Does Hard Work Really Pay Off?

The second trimester of my 7th grade year started with the volleyball after-school activity. I was chosen for the A team trial, but unfortunately I couldn’t go to Waisal. The reason was because I had a lower level than the other players. The next year (8th grade) I started practicing my serves, blocks and I started running more than usual. When Volleyball season started in 8th grade, I was very excited, because I was on the same level as the best players. Few weeks after, the coaches invited 18 players to play a game, and I thought I did a good impression. The next morning all the players were invited in the coaches office to know the five boys and five girls chosen to travel for Waisal. This year I was chosen, and the chosen team will travel to Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. This changed in a way that when I fail to do something, I will work even harder to get to my goals. This is to say that hard work will always pay off (from experience).

Abdel Yahaya