Running Faster

In class we started another Genius hour project , and I decided to make research about ways to run faster. Run faster as in sprinting. I chose this project because at my we are about to start our soccer season. As you may if you follow my blog, I am a big fan of soccer. And in soccer there is a lot of running, and I chose speed as something to rely on.

Throughout the research that I did, I found many key aspects on what can makes people run faster. To start off , you should watch out for your diet, as athletes it is necessary to eat fruits and vegetables everyday. In your daily diet you should also have a source of protein. Another important key to running faster is your running form. It it said that while running you should not move your arms too fast, or else it might slow you down. You should also not run on your heels, it definitely slows you down. You should visit websites to get more information on the proper running form.

To run faster it is essential to increase the muscle in ones body. It will help boost speed if the athlete trying to run faster workouts regularly ,not only focusing on the lower body but also the upper body. To pursue an athletic’s  goal it is sometimes important to keep in the purpose to his/her goal. The reason to why you wan to become a better athlete, this should be a source of motivation. Here are a couple of workout schedules for the arms, legs and abdominal.

While undergoing this project of mine, I ran through some difficulties. It has hard for me to wake up in the morning to work out. Sometimes after school I have extracurricular activities so working out after practice would make me very tired. I learned to be more responsible while doing this project because I had to attend after school activities, sometimes workout and still manage to do all my homework. The positive side to this project is that I can give others tips on how to run faster and also help myself become a better athlete. I hope this blog posts tells you more about me and how to run faster.

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